Monday, July 4, 2016

We Must Remember

4 July 2016: 240 years of Independence

Today I am thankful to live in the country I do. Though politics lately are questionable, it's still a pretty amazing place. Here's a "short" list of everything I am thankful for:

  • The ability to marry who I choose. 
  • The choice to have as many children as my husband and I wish, and raise them how we see fit.
  • I can have a career that I desire. 
  • Water. Reliable, clean, instantaneous water. I can drink it, wash dishes and clothes, water plants, and urinate in a fresh bowl of it in my toilet. 
  • School. Free public school for my children and their generation. They can attend easily and without worry abuse or violence (for the most part). 
  • Home ownership. It's not perfect, but our home is ours. It's huge by world standards. We are safe and we can make it our own. 
  • Free worship. The ability to follow my conscience and worship how I choose. My only worry is that this will become more restrictive for my neighbors who worship in other ways. We must be cautious and love our neighbors. 
  • Stuff. There is no shortage of material belongings in the US of A. We have stores that sell things that other people have barely used--and these stores are full to the brim. 
  • Roads. We have decent roads. They are relatively safe for our cars: maintained, policed, and everyone is welcome to apply for a license. Well, most everyone. We share the road, but we must be careful here too. I see too many people in too much of a hurry. We are angry, rude, and downright unsafe sometimes. We need to remember how good we have it, and to be just a little bit kind to one another. 
  • Swimming pools. Sure, this could go under the "water" category as well. But it needed its own category. Without pools, no swim team. Without swim team I miss a good portion of my life and a large part of who I am. It's too cold to swim outside here most of the year. I am so thankful for pools! 
  • Power. I can heat my house in the winter, cool it in the summer. I can choose to light my room at night to read. I can blend a smoothie, bake cookies, boil water, heat my shower, and easily vacuum my rugs. Yes, I am saying that I'm thankful for vacuuming.
While I am truly grateful for all of these things, I also want to remember.

60 years ago my marriage would have been unthinkable, and my children shunned.

74 years ago, our government imprisoned families because of their names and how they looked. Think about that for a moment.

75 years ago I may have gone to work because all the men were gone to war. Otherwise, I would have far fewer choices in a college or career as a woman.

100 years ago, I had no right to vote.

242 years ago, still further in history, before this country was established, before it was even a colony, this square of land I "own" was part of an open land. Most of the luxuries we enjoy today were not even thought of, let alone invented. But it was unpolluted, inhabited, and beautiful. A land of the free. Our founders' contemporaries and the following generations stole it--did not share it, but took it as their own. And I benefit from that today, centuries later.

Yes, this country is wonderful.
Yes, I am blessed to be here.

But do not forget. It was built on more things than equality, bravery, liberty, and rights.
It was also built on blood, lies, stealing, and death.

Do not forget.
Learn from our history.
Cherish what we have.

Happy Independence Day.

1 comment:

Sheila B said...

Great thought and words, Nicole. We take a lot of things for granted, where we really need to be more thankful. Our country is an awesome place to live, but, I think it could be so much more. Greed is worst enemy, and it's in some of our highest forms of government. We, as working people still have hopes and dreams for our country and our children. We also have some of he most generous, loving, and kind humans living among us. God bless the USA